Roman Mythology
by Laura Speidell

Jupiter and Mercury
Jupiter and Mercury

This table compares Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. This is not part of the Latin report. More will be coming on this subject later on.
This chart (aka the information) comes from Microsoft's Encarta 1998 Encyclopedia.
I typed the table though so credit goes to me if anyone steals my HTML code. >=)

Greek Name Roman Name Role in Mythology
Aphrodite Venus Goddess of beauty and sexal desire (Roman: Goddess of gardens and fields)
Apollo Apollo God of prophecy, medicine, and archery (late Greek/Roman: God of the sun)
Ares Mars God of war
Artemis Diana Goddess of the hunt (late Greek/Roman: Goddess of moon)
Asclepius Aesculapius Goddess of medicine
Athena Minerva Goddess of arts and crafts, and war; Helper of heroes (late Greek/Roman: Goddess of wisdom)
Cronus Saturn God of the sky; Ruler of the Titans (Roman: God of agriculture)
Demeter Ceres Goddess of grain
Dionysus Bacchus God of of wine and vegetation
Eros Cupid God of love
Gaea Terra Mother Earth
Hephaestus Vulcan God of fire; Blacksmith of the gods
Hera Juno Goddess of marriage and childbirth; Protector of married women; Queen of the gods
Hermes Mercury God of Messenger of the gods, Protector of travelers, thieves, and merchants
Hestia Vesta Guardian if the home
Hypnos Somnus God of sleep
Hades Pluto God of the underworld; Lord of the dead
Poseidon Neptune God of the sea and earthquakes
Rhea Ops Wife of Cronus/Saturn; Mother Goddess
Uranus Urans God of the sky; Father of the Titans
Zeus Jupiter Ruler of the gods